Monthly Archive: February 2017

Row after row of lit votive candles, used in prayers as a sacrifice during times of hardship, such as the death of a loved one. 0

Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

There are experiences that we all share as humans. Some of these are joyous, like marriage or the birth of a child. However there are also sorrowful life events that we all most go through. The one that causes the greatest amount of grieving in all of our lives is the death of a loved one.

Palm trees swaying in the breeze at sunset on the ocean, just like something out of a Jimmy Buffett song. 1

Jimmy Buffett Studio Albums – Top Ten

Today, I am starting my top ten blog with a top ten list of my favorite singer/songwriter, Jimmy Buffett. This top ten list will mostly reflect my own preferences, but I will also take into account the commercial success of each album. This list is also limited to just studio albums, so no live or compilation albums are listed here.